Nikos Papandroulakis is the scientific responsible of the Aquaculture Technologies Lab. He has studied Physics (MSc) and holds a PhD in Marine Biology. Short CV
Panagiotis Anastasiadis (MSc) is the operational responsible of the lab. He has studied biology and has an extensive experience on the operation of the research facilities both on land and in the sea.
Ongrowing cage farm
Michalis Asderis, is a research technician specialised in marine cage farming and is responsible for the operation of the cage farm. His is assisted by Christos Aggelis and Nikos Baritakis.
Plankton Cultures
Efsevia Sfakaki and Yiorgos Strakantounas are research technicians responsible for the phytoplankton, and zooplankton cultures. Yiorgos also undertakes the transport of juveniles.
Larval rearing
Nikos Mitrizakis (MSc) has studied icthiology and is specialised in marine aquaculture. He is responsible for the operation of the intensive hatchery.
Stelios Stefanakis is research technicians and operates the Mesocosm hatchery.
Manolis Vassilakis, is research technicians responsible for the pre-growing stage of the rearing. He is assisted by Nikos Kopidakis.
Technology Lab

Orestis Stavrakidis-Zachou (MSc, Marine Biology) is a PhD candidate. He has experience on fish physiology and mathematical modelling of biological systems with focus on fish bioenergetics.
Dimitris Voskakis (MSc) is experienced in Automation and Robotics and is involved in the development of tools for accurate husbandry.